Timing for a 318

Wait, back up, you say you aren't too familiar with the system? Well, answer a few questions and we can help you become more familiar without just firing off a few numbers and telling you to replace the timing chain.

1. Does your engine have points or electronic ignition? Points as they wear will cause the timing to change slightly. Electronic ignition really stays the same until somebody monkeys with it. If your points are shot, you will have running problems, and eventually you will not start at all.

2. When was the last time your plugs, wires and cap were replaced? If you need a full tune up, twisting the distributor around won't help anything.

3. Do you have a timing light? They are inexpensive any you really can't do much without one.

4. Do you have some sort of service manual? Don't even think about doing anything without one.

Lets start by walking you through a complete tune-up first. Then if you are still having issues we can help you diagnose further.