Dogzilla Sprayed by Skunk Last Night

She must not have gotten a full shot if she's no worse than that. Good thing too cause that stuff can be nasty and linger a LLLOOONNNGGG time.

I've also heard the bath in tomato juice helps. I think it's the acid in the tomatoe juice neutralizes the skunk odor.

Yeah it's fading real fast, thank goodness. I heard the tomato juice thing too from years ago, but giving this dog a bath is a ***** (pardon the pun, lol). Good thing she typically doesn't smell at all and she even has great breath, believe it or not. Only time she has the dog smell at all is when she gets wet, like any dog. Turbo on the other hand has breath that could knock over a hobo.

When Fargo and I had our tomato shower together, if it helped, it sure didn't seem so. I mixed half a mickey per can, and even though I could barely stand, he still stunk!

Maxi came running in the garage last night rolling on the floor and pawing her nose. She's a pretty quick girl though and must've just got a bit on her head like Fishy said. Good thing too, lol! Sorry to hear of you and Fargo and your wife too. That must've truly been a drag. :)