Dogzilla Sprayed by Skunk Last Night

I spent lots of time in Springstead, WI. when I was younger. Skunks, bears, porcupines, racoons, etc. I've seen a buttload of skunks, but always kept my distance from the dangerous end, lol! I had nine brothers and sisters, so we never had any pets. Got my first dog at 18 when I had a steady job and pad so this is a first skunk/dog problem at 42 years old.

I guess they have thier place in the scheme of things (grub eatin' mo fo's, lol!). There used to be a fox that lived near by, and I imagine that the skunk would stay his distance if he was around, but he split after I brought Maxi home. This is what I get for intruding on nature I suppose.

Plus, I'm the only nitwit without illegal fireworks this year so Mr. Skunk probably figured this was a safe haven.