hey all i'm new to abodys only

no sl6 points races this year or maybe ever! just PIR (portland's) open drags wasting hondas on a friday night .. then the bar ... then a cab!, i am beyond pissed with moderators on the sl6 forum & i am breaking away form all sl6 events. so i think i'll find it comfy here for a bit. glad to see ya mate. i hope u do well thie year! cheers and good luck! i have seen 1bbl guys smoke me and do better. its the track and the driver, also those damn bent engines are tempermental, sometime they haul other times they just lag like hell. i am serrously thinking of dumping the slant and going v-8. we will see as time and money allows. i actually got a faster top speed with my 1920 w/ a 60 jet, than i do with the bbd. i guess it goes to show it really dosent matter how much you spend or how much u race, a noob with a green dart can do somthing.