new patio advice

I did the template style for a walk on the side of my shed it looks good but one problem i found is u lay the template down fill with crete brush it for desired finish then pull up the template and ur left with little stepping stones that are'nt connected at all try putting patio furniture on little stones it doesnt work!! i have pics if you want good luck!!!

That is what I was thinking might happen... The articel I read made it sound like it was affordable and that usually implies that it is not the best way.

I am not afraid of a little work, but I am not staying in this house after 4-6 years and don't want to put too much into, but hope to raise my value in sweat equity... Of course the market right now isn't helping, but it still went up almost 10 grand in 2 years! I got a good price on the house.

I grew up helping my Dad rebuild our house and others that he owns or flipped. He was alos and electrician. So I know my way around the job site, but I think I know just enough to be dangerous...

Next house I will put a deck on it. Unless the house comes with one.