ignition starting problem

and now i can start to get working on my car again after having to get my appendix out.

so after finding out it is very difficult to change the ignition switch and that i only have the key cylinder. I do not currently have the required pieces.

However, i tried tonight and i do have voltage now when it is cranking. And i got the car to run. Thinking back, i have had times before when the car wouldn't start(probably 3 or 4, but never checked any voltages), but would start the next day, or a week or so later. However i didn't do anything to it between these times. I may have a loose wire or something, (probably the brown wire) or a faulty connection possibly in the ignition switch. I guess the only thing i can think of for now, is to get the rest of the ignition switch, so that if i have this problem again, i can put new switch and key cylinder i have together, plug them into the connector at the bottom of the steering column and try it, and hope that it is the problem if i am away from home. then if that works, i guess i would go ahead and change the igntion switch in the column. does that sound like the thing to do?
