&%*/^#%*@*&% Disaster

That super sucks. There was a black 70 GTX original paint survivor original owner that got a smashed front fender/grille/door chipped on his way to Fall Fling last year. Someone pulled out in front of him. I felt so bad for him.

Someone on Moparts said he saw a 2nd gen Barracuda that was in a wreck that looked like someone pulled out on him. Sounds like it was you. http://board.moparts.org/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=4545137&page=1&fpart=1&vc=1

To me survivors are the toughest to drive. If anything happens you are screwed. If it's been restored, it can always be fixed again like it was before. But you can't match patina.

Thanks for the support everyone. I keep the car at my dad's place and I haven't seen it since I got it towed there Friday night. I'm not sure this has really sunk in yet and it may when I go take pictures and look it over more closely tomorrow . I have had this car for over 26 years. As far as the Barracuda/Cuda owners club could tell it was the only '69 383 4-speed coupe left in fantastic unrestored condition out of the 5 they knew of from their DMV/MVA research. I bought seat covers from Legendary 18 years ago and never put them on because the car's body and interior were so original that I just couldn't bring myself to alter anything over a few split seams. Now I am faced with the prospect of maybe having to paint the whole car if the color of the new side stripes does not match the originals on the car, which I will not be able to afford to do before next year. Maybe someone could pull the original stripes and replace the whole set without screwing up the original paint. Who knows? I doubt it. The bottom line is that they are only original once and mine no longer is. Hell, if I can't find a fender and have to paint the whole car anyway I may as well go with fiberglass fenders, hood, and header panel (it has a couple of dents) and start making regular track passes again like I did when I was young and to stupid to appreciate it's value, which has just been greatly decreased. The potential outcome of this has my mind about to blow a gasket.

Oh, one additional part request. The car now only has 3 original "Plymouth Division" dog dish hubcaps.