Carlisle pics

I really wanted to take the time to talk with everyone but we had 82 acres of cars and vendors to cover plus 5 more hours of driving. We didn`t slow down for much at all but if I saw a face or car that I recognized I stopped to say hello. Next year we`re going to plan for 3 days. We`ll see, congrats on the award.....fill us in.
I wish we met-you photographed my Duster and posted the pic (thanks) i had a blast talking with people when I was actually At the car and not in the swap area. I handed out about a dozen FABO cards too. Im glad some of you guys took pics there too. I packed my wifes point and shoot consumer digital and ran around Saturday afternoon for 20 min. and managed to take about 30 images. Mostly some cool C bodies and that awesome Winchester Gray '71 Dodge Charger 383 Superbee.