cooling question

"A four cylinder engine requires 1600 cfm; a six cylinder engine requires 2,000 cfm, a small V-8 engine requires 3,000 cfm and large V-8 engines require 4500+ cfm."

That's the same rule I went by when ordering. In your case (416 cubic inch) 4500+ might be the class you need fall in. I don't understand why it runs same while going down the interstate. Any type of fan is out of the equation when you are moving that fast.

Nice setup there Mullinax.

Another vote to switch the fan & thermostat.

Definitely get a 180 thermostat for starters. Opening at 195, it will hit 200 easily. I'm puzzled by the highway temps too, except a flex fan will flatten out. Airflow should be enough on the highway to cool it. In heavy traffic & hot day I can see it running and extra 10 degress =205. Oh make sure the bottom rad hose is not flattening, should be a spring in it.