Layson's statement release

To the people who wish and write bad things:

If you who feel you were treated unfairly by Laysons there is legal recourse
for you already built into the system. Use it and win.

As to Laysons problems:

Nothing has been proven by Chrysler and until they are,
at least in this country, you are innocent until proven otherwise.

I personally feel Chrysler did not have enough evideince to stop this problem legally through the courts.

What they did do is instill fear and intimidate any and all who might
defy them and used a small town police department as their muscle.
This is using the system against its citizens through manipulation.
Let's destroy one company and all the rest will be afraid and fall in line.
The legal fee could be astronomical to defend.

I fear that this is the future and if this is how legal and business matters
can be resolved it will be used more often.

Just my 2 cents.