I Need Your Prayers Friday

some of you may or may not know,but ive been having some problems with my lungs. ..ive been out of work since feb. 21st and really not getting any better.
ive had alot of tests done including 3 breathing tests which i failed and a lung biopsy which they went down my throat,took 4 little pieces but they couldnt get a good result..they did find some scaring though.

friday,they are going thru my side, cutting me open twice and taking 2 pieces,1 up lung and 1 lower lung. They are thinking that emma and I could have the same lung disease and that i had it first and gave it to her.....they will be comparing my biopsy to her biopsy.

so,if you could,just say a little prayer for me at 10:15am,..THANKS!!!!
We know if You are willing You can Heal Mike from his health issues, so we commit him over to You for Your will to be done in his life and that You would give him and his family the peace and comfort only You can offer and that you would be with him and the doctors this Friday and show Yourself during this time of need.
We honor You and Priase You Lord Jesus, and it's in Your name we pray these things, Amen!