Magnetic Motors - The end of gasoline?

330% efficient? OK, fair enough. Lets start with 100 watts input into one motor, then and see what we get. 100 Watts in will then produce 330 watts out which we could then split up to run 3 more of these motors with 100 watts a piece with 30 watts left over. At two levels of magnitude we have gone from 100 watts to over a kW. At this rate it would not be long before we have enough juice to run Doc Brown's Flux Capicitor! Under the standard model of physicis this flies in the face of the first two fundamental axioms that govern every unit of energy and every particle of matter in the universe. My point? If this guy is for real then he had better be prepared to produce verifiable, repeatable evidence on demand. Till then I'm sorry but I'll have to stik with "huckster". I'll be first in line to aplogize if I am wrong.