What irks you

1. when people take their dogs to car shows and have it on a leash and then the dog runs around the front of the car causing the leash to gauge your fender. leave the pets at home perhaps?

2. my newfound hate for double flaring my brake lines.

3. this new trend for right hand drive imported vehicles, and how the owners seem to think because the steering wheel is on the right side, that it is soooo much better and faster than anything else on the street.

4. making clearance for headers. smashing them in, grinding down my steering coupler, so they clear. then going back the next day and they rub again for some reason.

5. taking my dart to the beach, parking it to go on a walk, come back and some guy is doing coke on the trunk of my car, scratching it up with his credit card or whatever. asking him WTF are you doing?? and him saying it fits cause its like we're in the 70's.

6. when someone scratches or puts a little ding in my car, and when i say hey be careful they say well its already scratched what does it matter?

7. rice rockets tail gating me in the dart, then passing me and blaring that damn fart can, then cutting back in right in front of me and slowing down, hoping ill pass them so they can race through traffic endangering everyones lives.

8. the way people ride motorcycles through traffic. dont weave around going 200MPH. i cant see you, it scares the **** out of me when i go to change lanes and there you are and you swerve right in front of me.

9. people using cell phones while driving.

10. people putting chevy engines in a mopar.

haha i think 10 is enough for now..