So our dog just died.....

Right there in the bedroom floor, about two hours ago. To be honest we all knew it was coming, he'd been with the family for 16-17 years and over the past few years developed an enlarged heart and this bad cough/choking thing. He'd been living with my mom for the past few years but we took over renting her place and he stayed with us for the past month. It was clear over the past two days that he was not doing great and this evening he was awful, panting constantly and pretty confused.

We took him back to the bedroom with us tonight and made him a bed, he would usually sleep in the living room. About 20 minutes before it happened he got up and came over to my side of the bed to say goodbye to me I guess, the went back to lay down...then he was gone.

I don't usually get too emotional about this stuff but this time I can't help it, as much as he got on my nerves at times I loved that damn dog. At my best and at my worst, through thick and thin he was there for me, tail wagging... ready to love and looking for food.

My girlfriend helped me wrap him up and put him in a box and we took him over to my moms place until the morning when we can figure out what happens next.

She was exhausted and went to bed, I can't just yet. This place feels very empty and cold without him here, I can't say I've ever felt this alone in my entire life.

I'm sorry for this downer of a post but I just had to get it out and had to do it right now. Thanks for listening guys.

Yogi, we'll miss ya