Engine installation

TheCrazyCheesehead said
Guys guys guys just drop the k member and slide the engine under with the k attached and lift her up. That is what i am going to do.

Hey TheCrazyCheesehead, nice to see another Wisconsin guy on here. There is maybe only a hand full of us that I know about. What do you have for an A-body? Shoot me a message and sometime, allways looking for other Mopar guys around here.

Dropping the K frame is a good way of doing it if you have to rebuild the front suspension or change the K frame anyways. Other wise its kind of a pain to pull the torsion bars out. But anyways this thread is almost a year old engine has been in and doing good for a long time. I ended up coming up with my own system of putting them both in at the same time and it goes so much faster and easier than it ever has I probably won't change the way I do it the next time I have too.