engine compartment

Funny you guys should mention a loss of value on a black compartment..??

We just sold the car pictured and did great.......Strange how the engine bay drew crowds at shows too......Loss of value may ring true with a concours car or a purist resto, but for cruisers and local show cars, I'll take a 2 tone any day over a bone stock color.........

.....to each his own I guess......I happen to like an engine bay with some dynamics and detail instead of everything the same color.........Kinda like a paint job with no stripes or trim........ 8)

Count me in on that. I can't agree with you more. I like mine black. So too everyone that doesn't like it doe's that mean putting on a cowl hood makes it look like a GM? To me it's up to you if you modify your car. You either like it or not.

Fred B