Movin' to the Barrio..

Hopefully, Amy & me will be house-hunting next spring/summer. My biggest concern for a house? 2 car garage;minimum. 2 bathrooms....2-3 bedrooms....fenced-in yard for the dog..... driveway that will park at least 4 cars deep.

I don't care if we're next door to a cemetery. I already know I'm going to be "the neighbor" that the others will talk about. Therefor, I plan on buying a snow blower and a riding mower. Treat `em right, and they're hearts & minds will follow. :-D

Besides, don't knock lower-income areas with less than socially acceptable inhabitants. People are people. You should see how many wealthy, successusful assholes I deal with at my dealership....

Good luck on the house hunt. Sounds like I found what you're looking for, lol.
I don't care if I live next door to a cemetery either, although I'm hoping my Duster when it's competed will wake the dead. :snakeman:

I said the same thing earlier John, People are people. I had **** growing up so it's not that big a deal. The last thing I'd do is look down my nose at anyone. I clean up well, but I'm not truly socially acceptable lol! And yes, wealthy successful assholes abound. Walking the dog today some woman walking her Bichon Friese said "Oh...It looks like your mutt is mostly Rottwieler" :bootysha:....Nice..... I should of let Maxi eat her dog. Maxi's a good judge of character as she never really liked the X either.

BTW, I like the snowblower idea.