1963 Valiant V200 Wagon

here is my wiring i need to fix. all i want to know is why do people use wire nuts in cars. and if you are going to take the time to "fix" something. why do it half *** with bare wire exposed just asking to be shorted out. ugh!!!!

I am always amazed at how crappy of a job some people do wiring on their cars, you can have someone who is an amazing mechanic but totally out to lunch on electrical. Some of the wiring done on my car looks like work someone would do on an old tractor out in the middle of a corn field just to get her running:munky2:one of the items on my one day to do list!!! Good luck sorting it out, you've made lots of progress in a short time......end result a daily driver, or something more special??? Either way I love your wagon, way cool:cheers: