Marines Please?


Small Block

Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2005
Reaction score
West Plains, Mo.
My father in law being an(Let me change this X) FORMER Marine is heavily involved in the Marine Corp League. They gather funds for care packages to send to our Marines in overseas locations. They have more money than they have names and addresses so that's where we help out. Get me the info of some one you know in the Marines in Afganistan, Iraq, and Pakistan and they will send em out a care package quickly. I know we can help out with some names. No money needed. You can post em here and we can all see who we owe our freedom to. Thanks
Thanks Small Block!! and thank your father in law for Treva and I.
I think my neighbor has a son that is in Iraq.
I will see if he is a Marine and keep an eye and ear open for them.

LIFE 143.jpg
My father in law being an X Marine

Anyone that has served in the Marine Corps will quickly tell you that there is no such thing as an Ex-Marine... I believe the saying is "Once a Marine, always a Marine..."


This sounds like a great cause. Thanks for posting this and helping to look out for our boys that are looking out for us.
Never heard of the Marine Corps League until I attended a funeral a few years ago. Shocked me at some of the members in attendance that I didn't know had served in the Corps. Awesome funeral ceremony with no BS and every word appropriate especially since the deceased was far from a saint. Hope you can find some people to help. Like the situations or not our military folks are sacrificing in the name of our country and it's freedom.
FYI, the "military" says its a NO-NO to list soldiers names on internet forums.

The best thing a person can do if they want to help contact the nearest Base/Post/Fort and get information THROUGH the military.

I wouldn't be caught dead giving up brothers/sister soldiers info without expressed persmission.

E-4 USAF 99-02'
Enduring Freedom Veteran
I joined the Marine Corp League in San Jose CA this Saturday. They have a positive presence in the community here but I only just ran across the organization. I was the youngster at the meeting (at 62) maybe that’s the reason. I agree with the consensus that posting anyone’s identity on line is ill advised. I do remember receiving address’s of girls in the states who wanted to write letters to Marines in Viet Nam. I really looked forward to those letters during mail call and they really helped to keep me connected (and sane).
Being a Canadian, I wouldn't know very many marines. I sure am glad they are what they are though. They deserve and get my complete respect for what they do.

There is an orgainzation called "Any Marine" that could probably help in getting those care packages out.

I also have a good friend who is currently in Iraq. I asked if he knows of anybody that could use a care package. Once I hear back from him I will let you know.

Semper Fi
Prine: If you were to get expressed permission from one of your brothers or sisters if it meets your approval for them to recieve something like socks or toiletries P.M. me the address and we'll get em something that they will enjoy and maybe make them think we appreciate them as i do.
Prine: If you were to get expressed permission from one of your brothers or sisters if it meets your approval for them to recieve something like socks or toiletries P.M. me the address and we'll get em something that they will enjoy and maybe make them think we appreciate them as i do.

Well said Small Block =D>, And I did knot know that it would be wrong to do what Prine said.:dontknow:
I guess getting permisstion is something we all learned early in life.:-k
Hey Small Block,

I will send you a PM with the name of a Marine in Iraq who would be happy to distribute a few of those care packages for you!

Please tell the Marine Corps league and your father in law thank you and Semper Fi.

Also, Thank you for coordinating!
The Marines are a great bunch of people. I used to work with a fellow that was a member of an organization called THE FORMER MARINE CORP ASSOCIATION! He invited me to a meeting one time because he knew I was a History buff of sorts of the U. S. Marine Corps and Military Snipers. I attended the meeting and happened to meet a fellow named Carlos Hathcock and Craig Roberts both members of the Former Marine Corps Association and speakers. Man did they have some stories to tell.
Both were Marines in Vietnam,both were Snipers,and now both were Authors.If you want to read some true HAIR RAISING STORIES! Get the book by Carlos Hathcock 93 confirmed one shot kills and Many books by Craig Roberts,The Walking Dead, Marine Corp Medic. And others These books are true accounts of these individuals and things they went through. It is one thing to see War movies and read tales of wars but when you read true stories it will make your hair stand on end. Also here is a link to Craig Roberts web site, Gunnery Seargent Carlos Hathcock passed away a few years back. By the way the saying is correct and true "Once A Marine always a Marine" and there are no such things as "EX MARINES"! But there are "FORMER MARINES". SEMPER FI and GOD BLESS ALL MILITARY PERSONS OF THE USA THAT ARE NOW SERVING AND THAT HAVE SERVED TO KEEP US ALL FREE!
No more respect will ever be given to one of our military personnel than by me. I signed up for the draft when i turned 18 and with only one eye they turned me down. I had friends that went to Nam and didn't return and some did even if it was in a partial state. I've been known to see a table full of troops at a resturant and i've told the waitress that that whole ticket was on me. They would approach my table to thank me and i couldn't speak without a quivering bottom lip. The most emotional time i ever encountered was when i was standing in front of the Wall. I did my best salute ever as tears were flowing down my checks as they are now in thanks for the sacrifice that those men and women put forth. No greater love has a man for another than to lay down his life. P.M. me names if you got em. Scuba. The packages will go out tomorrow. Thanks folks.
Just wanted to say thanks to Small Block and everyone, it means a lot that we don't forget our Warriors, of all branches. Semper Fi and Esprit De Corps.
I just wanted to publicly thank Smallblock and the Missouri Marine Corps league for sending Care package to Marines in Iraq. My friend is the company Gunny for a particular unit in Iraq. He noticed that there were several Marines who rarely got mail from Home. So the items sent by the Missouri Marine Corps league sure did brighten up days of several Marines.

Thanks Small Block and the Marine Corps League.

Semper Fi,

Scuba out
Scuba: I printed this post out and will give it to the League so that they may read it during their next meeting. Anymore names get em to me. Our guys deserve it. Thanks so much.
Great job remembering those who serve. My son is Marine stationed in California. He has had two tours of Iraq. I don't if any of you heard but Berkley, CA was trying to close the Armed Services recruiting stations. My son met a girl from Berkley who when she found out he was a Marine she called him a killer and refused to go out with him. Good thing I wasn't around...I would have given lil miss thing an earful! lol
I'd have been right beside ya Roadrunner on the *****. Tell your son much thanks from a truly grateful AMERICAN.
Scuba: I told my father in law today to send your buddy some more packages as he is getting them to the right people. We'll get it done scuba.