It's ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, it runs, but not good.... I shut it down after only about 10 minutes due to the oil leaking on the passenger side header. I didn't want to light it up... And the damn valves are making a hell of a racket on the passenger side too. When we primed it I had great oil pressure while rotating the engine by hand. Once she fired up there are no other issues except for the valvetrain and leak. I'll pull it apart tomorrow night and take a look-see....

Here's a few shots leading up to the big event.

Here I am installing some beautifully powder coated valve covers (Thanks again Leanna! )

Here's my Buddy Tom whom spent the entire day helping me out. One of these days he'll get his `68 Dart back together again....

Throwing on the wires....

If I must say so myself, it looks pretty good. 8)

Anticipating the fire-up.

The first of hopefully MANY gallons of high test that will be converted into smiles-per-gallon.