Getting back to normal after theft?

We've started the neighborhood watch program up around here again as it turns out there have quite a few people in the neighborhood have had stuff stolen, $1000 pressure washer, new 4-wheeler and various other stuff.

I've had stuff stolen before but nothing has ever bothered me like this, and to be honest I was doing ok, just pissed until the stuff went on when we were at home. My girlfriend wants to move but we can't really, we've only been in this place for a little over a month.

Sounds like 360scamp has been in the same boat before and I agree with the cleaning the gun with the garage door open idea. Honestly since I put the camera up the late night traffic on our road has gone down to nothing, so maybe a little intimidation goes a long way.

I guess you've just got to get some good insurance and hope for the best.

Anyone else have a car broken into or a burglary happen to them, what'd you do?