Getting back to normal after theft?

..........I wish you best of luck, you have taken good steps in prevention. make sure to talk with the neighbors and make people aware. Awareness in a neighborhood is a key to low crime.

Take time thinking things through and you will get better. Personal property violation is definately something that effects ya.


Totally understand what you're saying about the gun thing, and yes I am a good shot.... lots of years of practice growing up on the farm.

Good comment about everyone being aware, I think that's been the biggest problem in this neighborhood. A lot of the people who live around here are elderly, have lived here forever and go to bed at 9pm. They don't leave any lights on outside either and when people know they can sneak thru unseen they're going to. There are a few of us around who have weird schedules and have started calling the police anytime something out of the ordinairy is going on. Also, we haven't had any regular police patrols for as long as I can remember since such little ever went on. I think maybe now that there has been some police presence around here and people have been keeping their eyes open, things will calm down.

It's still tough to get that feeling of safety back though, that's what I'm working on.