Getting back to normal after theft?

I am the guy with one or two dogs that let me know there is someone
around my property doing wrong, Dogs can sense this and everyone I have owned new a bad person even if he just stopped by to say hello.
then I have a very protective set of ears on a small
maltese dog in the house.
I have had a theft at a home I have, that I don't live in, just 4 miles up the road that some one stole two motors from.
I reported it and talked to my neighbor and let him know what has happened.
I found my motor's at a scrap yard and got them here where I am living know.
I can see my shot gun from here and will use it.8)
My great dogs let me sleep and I put a sign up at the old home place that read's, If you feel lucky look in the house there is more in there for ya.
4lb fishing lines with treble hooks every where as soon as you get in tied to the nails in the walls. but I think the sign outside and that they know we have been hit will keep them away. All my good stuff is on the hill with me know.
Do your best to feel better knowing you have dun all you can and go on with your life, Its hard but have a cold one and live your life.
Dogs are you best defence for these people, and a sign that lets them know you are a gun owner and you will use it...
I went though this and went as far as sleeping in a tent hid outside to catch
them my self and call the young guns in to get them out of my side of the county.
Know its all behind me. I can't wait to see my hooks missing and the trip lines gone. I call that a LDR!! Long distance release.
Sleep well and put your mind on something ells your family needs your smiles.