Getting back to normal after theft?

Get a big dog. Start a community watch project. Petition for street lights. Try to contact the media, once this becomes an issue the cops will follow.

Nothing material is worth your life and in most states you can't kill/shoot at anybody who's stealing from you unless you want to go to prison. It sucks but it's the law. By the same token, I don't think the stupid kid who leans in my window for the buck 50 in change in my console should die either, although a good *** whipping should be in order. :)

Lastly, I think you should contact a doctor. I don't blame you for being pissed about this but it seems to have taken over your life. Your life is yours not the theives. Take it back.
in texas u can shoot a man on your doorstep. and recently in west virginia they passed a law. if someone is making you feel threatened on YOUR property u can take defensive action. if this was my house if it happened in texas ida shot the guy in the kneecap