Getting back to normal after theft?

Well, the theives stopped back by tonight, about an hour and a half ago. I heard a car pull up beside the house and looked out to see them looking around, after a minute or so they pulled around the front of my house (it's nice to be able to see this on camera now) and sat for a few minutes, reved the car a time or two (hopped up Prelude) then waited some more, at this time I called the police. Then one guy gets out and starts heading for our front door and my car which I now park in the yard, about 3 feet from my lights and the house. That was all I needed and I headed for the door with gun in hand. I swung open the front door right as he got to the car, he looked, turned and ran back to the car. To my suprise once in the car they just sat there for maybe a minute or so looking at me staring them down thru the front door, they then drove off real easy. By the time the cops got there they we're long gone. I'm getting tired of this BS guys.......

Wow, this is bad news if this truly is the theives. Be careful though, pointing a gun at someone is considered felony menacing in some states. They could have been a couple teeangers who had friends at that house before you rented it as you say you haven't even been there a month.

Personaly I would have waited until they busted in my front door and shot them dead. You'd know they were up to know good and they'd be shot from the front and indoors. Still hunting so to speak. Problem solved.

Think very carefully about the consequences. You will end up going to trial so there's lost wages. You will have to get a lawyer, not cheap. You will have to call a biological clean up team to clean up all the brain tissue and blood and guts and this stuff 'aint cheap. You will have to determine if you can live with taking another man's life and walking by the stain on your floor every day. You will never forget it. Your religious convictions will come into play too. Can you forgive yourself, will your friends and family have a problem with this. It will be on the news and you will be treated differently even from those who love you the most.

I see a lot of bluff and bluster in a lot of forums about killing in self-defense, but there are mental, physical, spiritual and social consequences when such an action is taken.

I am 100% in favor of defending my family and friends in self-defense on my property and elsewhere were it to be legal, but I've thought long and hard about the ramifications of my actions.