Getting back to normal after theft?

Useless, I'm with the theory that you are being confused
with a previous occupant of the home.
Try a new mailbox with your last name and address.
You can get small signs that say you have a security system
even if you don't.

You already have a camera system and lights, possibly
expanding your perimeter of survilence would help.
Add a security light that comes on at dusk or more motion
activated lights.

See if their is a reason for this harrassment you are dealing
with by talking to your nabiours and police.

Get in touch with a police detective in your department and
tell him the problem and give him the info you have.
Document all contacts and calls, reports they will show you
have made a reasonable attempt to resolve the problem
if you need to go to the next level.

Lastly I would save the show of force for protecting inside
your home, you wouldn't want to display your firearm then
have them show up with more or bigger stuff because you
showed a willness to esculated the situation.

I hope you can get this problem under control so you can
get you peace of mind back.