Never Tighten Oil Pan Bolts With The Flywheel Cover Off!!!!

The important thing for sure is that you are ok. I too have done some classic acts of self destruction and mutilation in my years also. Last biggie was a couple of years back, I was installing ductwork for my woodburner in the ole pole barn. As I was carrying a freshly shortened piece of 8" duct in one hand, cutters in the other, and whatever else, I proceeded to go outside and install this newly cut and may I remind you, SHARP piece.

Ok, now for some visual aids of the scene of the self-mugging. I had just pulled some carpet up during a living room remodel and had it rolled up on the floor of the barn. My "in-need-of-repair-get-to-it-one-of-these-days" riding lawnmower was sitting there in the middle of the doorway thinking "you walk past me again and I'll hurt ya".

Ok, you all can see the stage is set. I tried to take a short cut over the carpet and by the mower to get out the main door. Being the smooth and coordinated smooth mover that I am (klutz), of course I tripped. Ok, here we go . . . flying forward with all of these implements of maiming and self destruction . . . . with my right hand, I fell on the duct which I was carrying between my first two fingers . . . it sliced through the flesh like it asn't there. Cut right through the webbing between the fingers. With my left arm, I attempted to catch my fall and got it tangled up with Mr. Mower which severely wedged my forearm on the way down. So there I lay all tangled up in the mower (which I think I heard it giggling). I serverely bruised my arm as it twisted and wedged in the mower's deck linkage. I couldn't remove it until I stopped bouncing on the floor and the dust had settled. It took every ounce of strength this old body had, to raise up, suck up the pain it created, and remove my arm from the grip of that great white grass clipper. I was a mess. Mind you, I hadn't realized up until this time I was bleeding from the other hand like some kind of sacrificial lamb on an altar.

Another note, this is the guy they made Safety Coordinator at the plant where I work. I guess they aren't too smart either. I'm better now about wearing gloves, putting things away, not taking shortcuts. I healed from the severe cut and the almost broken arm. The scars and reminders are still there. I guess it could have been alot worse.

Do you believe it? I never fired up that woodburner, but that next weekend, I threw away the carpet, put away all the clutter, and fixed that T-Rex of a lawn mower.