Replacement radiator suggestions

Year One's got replacement style rad's that look stock, but they are all 3 row. They are in the $300 range...

Just an FYI - DeGood's radiator here in Kalamazoo did a friend of mines OEM 22" recore to a 3 row for $240. $400 seems a little steep, even for a 26".

it all depends on the type of core they use. remember you pay for what you get. bigger tubes and tighter rows are the way to go. bigger tubes with tighter rows of tubes will outcool a 3 or 4 row core radiator anyday. all of the radiators i have had recored all have rows only 1/4" inch apart and tubes are hugh in size. cools like a champ with the stock clutch fan and shroud. cost was around $400.00 for 22" inch...