Homegrown trim restore

Haborfreight tools has various buffer wheels.
Lowes carries polishing compounds for different hardness metals too.
For anyone following this thread and thinking of jumping in... there are 2 ways to remove the grilles. My back wont let me lean over the header panel and fish for rusted nuts. I lay an old blanket in front of the car and remove the front tag support , then the bumper. Next are the headlight doors/bezels then header panel bolts. 2 in each corner and 3 across the top center. Pull the entire header grille assembly and lay face down.
Be forwarned, when you put it back you'll need a helper and some poker cards held in the 4 corners or you'll scratch the fenders. Line it up with the hood and the fenders before tightening any bolts ! Stuff I learned the hard way :(