Week in the woods

These are a few of the sights that we discovered on our road trip this past week in Hardy, Grant, Greenbrier, Nicholas and Pocohantas Counties in the eastern mountains of West Virginia.
First here is one of the dusty Country Roads that brought such driving pleasure
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Next are the visitors that we saw every morning from our front porch of the cabin we stayed in

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This was the view of the Pocohantas Mountains in the distance while driving on US Route 39:

This is our boys Greg and Luke feeding ducks at Summit Lake in the Monongalha National Forest, In Nicholas County:

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Here are Seneca Rocks, One of West Virginia's most recognizable land marks:

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And this was a shy spectator to all our spectating. A whitetail buck I guess to be about 2 years old just lying beside the path we took to see the Greenbrier River and the face of Seneca Rocks:

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And last but not least this one's for MeMike... a Golden Eagle flying free about Cranny Crow Mountain's Overlook into Virginia and Maryland. Elevation 3854. I took this pic while on horseback.
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