Dipstick help

I have thought about this for a wile know
and first off you may want to wait for a tec.
The tube end that broke of in the block is in there tight I bet.
First off start putting some good penetrating,antiseize PB Blaster or something to help come loose
A very small punch on just ONE side of the tube between the block and the tube.
You may be able to bend the tube as you are careful tapping it in one place
If it starts moving in before it starts bending I would stop and use a strong magnet and a reverse drill bit. The magnet will keep all the shavings on the bit. If it douse bend with the very small punch it may unseiz and then use a good small pair of needle noise pliers and keep putting some penetrating
PB Blaster a great penetrating and will help it get unseized.
but then the oil pan may have to come off.

Like I said I am not a tec, but just a shade tree man.

I hesitated to put my 2 cents worth in here but I just could not help my self.