"Transitional" setup

Thanks for the info, OUTLAW. Have you gotten around to doin' the write up on your Scarebird conversion? I just got the specs from Scarebird and am almost positive that's the way I'll go.

I don't know if my current wheel cylinders / drums / pads are still in good enough shape that I can live with 'em for a while. I do know that my lines are pretty much shot, and wouldn't want to try trusting them, so they need to go now. Money is not super tight, but I don't have a bank account-full, either. I kinda need to do this in a step-by-step approach.

My m/c is leaking (remember my other post?), so, since I'm doin' the lines, why not the m/c? Doesn't the disc-type m/c plumb differently? Or, can I replace the rod (which is a bit rusty/pitted) and seal for now, keep the stock m/c and it's no big deal to change to the disc-type m/c later?

Then again, this whole line of thought may be for nothing if the brakes are shot - I'll just do the whole conversion instead of putting money into repairing the old set up.

Man, I've only just started and this things already got me turning circles! :grin: