WHAT NOW? How's this come off??

Thanks Mullinax.....You're a peach you are............

I twisted the outer sleeve off easily.......I got to the pin, but it's NOT a roll pin..........it's a stinking drift pin..........nearly a quarter inch in diameter and all the way through..........

I've tried with bruised knucks already to get it pounded out.......In the magazine spread they show it being pounded with the column OUT of the car......but that's what I wanted to avoid.........

The game is practically WON here guys.........all I gotta do is GET THAT PIN OUT............How 'bout a little fire, Scarecrow? Will heating it allow it to move a little? (awkward place to apply heat, I assure ya'...).............

It's simple really.....If I remove the entire column, which this endeavor was to avoid, I could drive the pin out at the vise easily.........I want to drive it out where it IS...........that's me.

Any suggestions? (and don't get smart...............) :poke: