WHAT NOW? How's this come off??

I probably got to this thread too late to be of any help, but I've done this several times. The pin you are wrestling with has grooves running half its length that dig in once driven flush. The pin appears to have a slight taper, smooth on the narrow end and grooved on the wide end. The trick is to find the slightly narrow smooth end and drive it out the opposite direction, otherwise, you will be trying to drive the wider grooved end deeper into the hole through the shaft, making it tighter.

That make sense?

You might try using a C-clamp with a small diameter 3/8" drive socket (maybe 3/32") on one side and a larger diameter on the opposite side (maybe 1/2"). Pressing the small socket on the narrow end of the pin will force it out the opposite side into the hollow of the larger socket. Just a thought. It worked on the steering coupling pin.
