Smacked a bird. Close call.

About 4 yrs ago I was headed home for the doctor and cut through downtown Easley. So I'm headed up a hill at about 20 MPH when I see a large crow flying just above the utility poles. The croww dropped something.
Seconds later about half of a hotdog weinner hit the pavement in the oposing lane. I drove past it just as an elderly lady was comming down the hill. Looked inn the rear view just in time to see the crow hit the windshiled of the ladys car.See panic braked and turned right . Hit the curb head on. Next car tryed to knock her trunk off. Turned her car parrelell to the curb.
I found a place to park and walked back to the scene. No one was hurt except the crow. I asked the traffic officer if he needed to note which direction the crow was traveling in his report. He chuckled, "That'll be a first."
In hindsight I realized the person who threw out a half eaten hotdog was the root cause of this accident.