Dart Power Brake Booster

alright, i looked, i have 2. honestly though im not sure what either is off, one looks a little different than the other. if i get time tomorrow ill take pictures. i got them with a parts package deal that came with my 8 3/4, so i dont know the history of them or anything, i just recieved them with a boatload of other parts.

alright, the one that looked to be in pretty good shape, (and i checked vacuum pressure and it seems to be in good working order), tag goes as follows:

Asco Brake Booster
Type : 14610 - 60011
No : 2F00181

The other not so great looking one is:

Bendix License
Master Vac
Unit No : 223 - 02030
Lot No : 6907 (i believe, or could be 0907)
Jidosha Kiki Co.

like i said, i dont know anything on history of either of these, or even if theyre good brands or whatever.

if anyone knows anything on these, if they arent very good, please dont critisize me, im just trying to help the guy out.