New 5-speed kits for A-bodies

also with that crossmember it look like the tranny us up more. keissler doesn't liek to admit it but they also have the trans down some for better floor clearance. and that can really screw with your driveline angles.

Looks like you are totally right. I made extra room in the floor tunnel area for the tranny. Then I had to shim the tranny tail shaft up almost 2* so I could get better driveline angles.

On a side note. If you can order the tranny mount from them separately, you could piece meal all the other parts yourself for a cheaper price than ~4K. Finding a good used tko-500 or tko-600 would be the only trick.

That crossmember setup looks like it might work well with a t-56 as well. Or a custom variation of it. That's an idea as well.