i start collage tommaro

Gary, I do wish you the best of luck. This world is tuff on high school drop outs and it can be a real bear on you and your life if your not talented in some area.

If your not into this on a live, breath and crap level, the battle is up hill and odds are against you in not just completetion of this endevore, but also in the long run of the big picture in every aspect.

IF this is what you want to do, and I'm guessing so because your going to get schooled on this, jump into it 2 feet first and get serious like a bull is charging you. Take that bull by the horns and wrestle it down and show'em hows boss with every fiber of your being.

The only scarrrrey part;
i think ill relly like what im doing their and should be pretty good at it

You said think. Think not, know and do!

A true take no prisoners and no quarter mind set is what you should have as the min. and go on and up from there.

Best of luck and go get'em!!!!!!!!

See ya on the otherside when you finish up. Good luck!