I saw the new "Charger" yesterday....

I haven't seen a Charger in person yet, and it may not live up to it's namesake, but you've got to give Chrysler some credit for putting out some nice new rides lately.

I bought a Magnum R/T in December, and it's pretty intense. The motor screams up to 5500 RPM between shifts, and has enough power to toss you back into the seat, even at over 4,500 lbs. Not bad for a station wagon.

Overall, the car handles well, seems to be put together well, and rides great. The Charger shares alot of the same pieces, so it should be similar. Compared to the crap that GM and Ford are putting out, these are pretty awesome cars- though I still like the new Mustang (please don't kill me for that one, guys....lol).

Now, if we can all petition them for a need for a 2-door with a Hemi, maybe they'll bring the Barracuda back?????? well, one can dream, right?

I'm currently in the market for a nice 67-69 Barracuda to drop one of the new Hemi's into- I just need to convince my wife that it's a better use for the money than saving for college for my girls.....lol.
