Scored me an Offy!

Chuck, check here for valves;

Hey, Charlie! Why am I not surprised I'd find you over here too? Thanks for the link. I've been watching the guy on eBay and I'll probably buy some valves off him once the time is right. I'm gonna shoot you a PM about my car in a little bit too. I have a few things I'm hoping you can help me with.

Chuck,you can tell Mustang guy that those things are as common as crabs!
Too true! Yeah, it does get old hearing Camaro and Mustang guys go on about worthless A-bodies. I just take quiet pleasure in knowing my little Valiant turns more heads than their late-model 500 HP cookie cutters ever will.

Congrat's chuck
...make sure you let her know you are a member here.

Thanks, Mike! It's nice to have one for a fair price. No more worrying if they'll disappear off the market! I'll definitely look into that powder-coating. Looks like she did a great job.