I saw the new "Charger" yesterday....

Don't even get me started on that thing, To quote a sig from someone else "The only thing they got right about the Charger is the spelling"

It lacks character, Luster, and body lines. The car is an insult to everything the Charger stood for.

Yes. It may be a nice car, it may even grow to be "Best in class" but the nameplate is sales purpose only. I'm not saying that the only "Real" charger is the car that sits in my garage. My second generation charger shares little body style of the 66 - 67, the 71 - 74 ect even have some different lines, but they all shared a few things in common. The had style.

I could go on and on, but I won't. I share many of the same views that I’m sure everyone has read about this car. I'm not just hung up on the whole 4 door thing, but that was of course. The first thing that set me off.

To coin another comment from another Dodge Charger owner...

"That thing got groceries?"

I just hope the first one that pulls up along me doesn’t even give me a thumbs up, because he’ll get a finger up as well, and it won’t be a thumb :D