I saw the new "Charger" yesterday....

I have a real hard time understanding why anyone would be so upset about the name a manufacturer uses for their cars. Especially the Charger name considering Chrysler is second only to Oldsmobile with it's use of Cutlass on on all classes of vehicles.

Charger name has been used on B-bodies, the personal luxury road arks of the late 70's, Darts in Brazil & Argentina, rear drive compact cars in Australia and lets not forget the front wheel drive tin cans of the 80's which likely represent more total production than all the other variants combined.

The only thing common across all the Charger variants is the use of two doors but the thing I find interesting is the 300 name has a history from the early 50's to the early/mid 70's of being a 2dr (& a 2dr vert) and no one has said a word about it's reintroduction as the 300M and now the 300 Hemi C only being available as a 4dr.