1970 dart swinger big block $7700.00

A compact mirror from a good looking womens purse can also prove to be helpful when trying to id a motor when it is installed in the engine bay.
If you know where to look...(it has been told several times in the thread) it is very easy.
If I may give some advise on the sell I would spend some time and make sure you know exactly what you have...
Many potential buyers stir clear of things when the seller does not have all the data needed in order to satisfy the needs of the buyer.
If you have to sell the car right away I would try an auction on ebay... you might get what you are asking for.
I know this has been going on for a while now so good luck and remember
blank white boxes of cereal would never sell but blank envelopes will always be opened first.

Good Luck again.

Casey Davis