McCail's V.P.!

Seems our recession started about the same time the Dems took control of both houses in 2006. Economy was good until then.

WRONG... The economy was tanking in 2001-2003. The only thing that kept it afloat was a stupid insane free money monetary policy brought to you by the fraud that is Greenspan at the urging of the white house. Remember the home ownership push.... How many people that you know were spending far more money than they were making, using homes as ATM's? The consumer is the BIGGEST subset of our economy, and they are essentially tapped out. Here's your opposite reaction straight out of physics!

Got NOTHING to do with who took over Congress.

BTW, I dislike both big parties so I'm not jaded about who's at fault. I do believe there are people, that if Satan was the nominee on either parties ticket, people would vote for Satan because that's the party way.... F'ING STUPID!!!