Rarest A-Body Option?


Just curious about where you can obtain this information...
I have a letter from Galen Govier saying that my LS23 car is one of three cars that came from the factory with the mod top on the same day. .. However, it has had the same white top since the early 70's. I didn't know what he was talkin about until I saw the code on my fender tag and broadcast sheet just recently. Anyway just wonderin if any way to confirm that.

Thanks, Kim.

That list was provided by Ramcharged.

I bet if you read closely it says three cars in HIS REGISTRY coded for mod top that day. All that means is that 3 people gave him or he found that informantion. The reports will not tell him the production of options per day.

Galen often in his decoding services states how many cars KNOWN with that combo or option. That is just what Galen has in his personal records. He hasn't seen every Mopar in the world.

Owners often mis-use and mis-quote that "known" information as "how many are left in the world" or "how many were made" That is incorrect.

Some year there are production option reports availible There are a percentage of each option usually (not always) per each model ie: Dart 170, Dart 270, Dart GTS, Dart GT designated on the vin.