
Try sizing what one of these would need to be to have a real effect, and compare it with the tiny size of these typical HHO generators. The gap is astounding. I've calculated out quite a few numbers on these, mostly because I get people asking me about these systems all the time where I work. I wish I could tell them something like "Sure, it works, you just have to add around 10 degrees more timing and 10% less fuel." But doing just a few back of the envelope calculations tells me this idea's doomed. You'd need some really extraordinary proof to convince me that a claim of this working is valid and not the result of a poorly done test or an outright con artist. Here's some of the numbers I calculated.

Amount of water needed to separate to get the energy equivalent of 1 gallon of gasoline: 2.2 gallons
Minimum amount of gasoline a gas-powered generator would need to separate 2.2 gallons of water: 3.3 gallons

Mass flow rate of the typical 1 liter / minute hydrogen generator: 5 grams per hour
Mass flow rate of a single fuel injector on a mild street V8: 8600 grams per hour - and there are eight of them.

I've done the math, and if you wanted an onboard hydrogen generator that could take a car from 20 mpg to 30 mpg, you'd need a minimum of 2500 amps. That's not a typo. If you used an alternator, you'd better get a Gilmer belt or a chain to drive it, and the 50+ hp this alternator would sap way more fuel than you'd get by burning the hydrogen. To power it, you'd be looking at a battery pack recharged by household power... and to have it last a decent amount of time, expect it to weigh a metric ton.

I dont mean to dis your knowledge but...while I do agree that the water4gas system is likely too small to have any real impact i think the theory of it is sound. After all the idea is to supplement the gasoline burn by increasing combustion temps,not replace it. Much the same effect is achieved when installing a propane system on a diesel.

So you and some others seems to have a problem with the energy put in not equating to much energy put out.
Explain the atom bomb then. Or nuclear fission. Lets face it, the laws of physics and thermodynamics as we know them dont mean a whole lot. There were many genius inventors who flat out smashed all we knew about those laws and practically rewrote them. There WILL be an energy revolution,and soon.

For those who have trouble swallowing the $100 for 2 pdf files,I posted this link a while back. It is the same concept, only bigger and more output.

And the best part is it's free.

It was scoffed at by some. I challenge the naysayers to spend the $100 or so to build this hydrogen booster (as I am). Just be aware you need to fool the O2 sensor if so equipped.


There is a local gent who is running something similar in a mid 80"s Olds V8 sedan. He is netting better than 40 mpg. He made the local paper due to high gas prices. I am a believer just because I feel this is repressed tecnology