Seems like everybody doesn,t like Canadian flag??

well....wish i could afford to move up there..........F,..\K the American health care system !

i cant even afford to go to a doctor . guess death is the answer ?

The folks I know in Canada also buy private health insurance because the national insurance is not very good. The folks I know from Australia do the same thing.

From what I have read that holds true in most countries that have a government funded health plan.

In the US the national health insurance plan is called the emergency room where they are required to treat whether you can pay or not.

Here in Mass they now have "mandatory" health insurance requirements. So if your employer doesn't offer insurance you can purchase it through Mass Health and the price is based on your ability to pay. There seems to be still a big gap between those that qualify for free and and what you need to be earning to comfortably purchase through Mass Health. Don't know what the best answer is but it seems every time the government gets involved in anything it is screwed up in short order.