Question # 99

I sold a car last week, two guys drove down from Ohio and picked up the car and parts, paid in cash, never a mention, guess it was a given that if You were coming donw, had only seen pics of the car, You would bring cash intead of prepaying, makes sense to me.
I have a guy driving from Missouri to buy a car, he's seen pics and I've answered all his questions, he's bringing a cashiers check and will be here about 3 or 4 o'clock.
Question #1 why not bring cash?
I'm feeling uncomfortable about even taking a cashiers check late in the afternoon, he loads up the car and is gone, see where I'm going. He ask for My full name for a cashiers check weeks ago, (and here's that dreaded word) I "ASSUMED" he was going to mail it to me, that way I could take it to the bank and make sure the checks good.
Any thoughts, I have good reason to be paranoid after some **** that's happened lately, I'm sick and tired of getting the **** end of the stick!

Any thoughts?