My apology to the site & mrtires

I owned my basketcase for 14 years before it ever ran. My best friend in the entire world would come over and every time he went into my garage, he'd say "That piece of sh*t will NEVER work." Making him eat those words was my inspiration to finally get it done.

The first time I fired it up I called him in California on my cell from Louisiana and asked him "Mike, remember those seven words you always said to me? Well, listen to THIS!" He cried (truly!), and then apologized, and then congratulated me on a job well done.

Tony, I can't speak for everyone on this site but I do know one thing: We're all in this together and -- like they say -- opinions are like a-holes ... Everybody's got one and they all stink. Besides, whatcha gonna do, go buy a Ford???

Stick around sweetie. We need you.