My apology to the site & mrtires

Tony,take it from a guy that has done this for 35 years.:bootysha: Tell him to kiss your butt,Its your car,you are going to do it your way,the way you want it,and if he does not like it,tell him he can send you a cheque for some of the up grades.I have been there many times,start off with a rough car and turn it into a diamond.You will do it at your pase and your time as money allows.have you seen some of the cars being restored by top builders,ten times as bad,if not worse,but they are doing them.You plant your feet deep in the sand,and toss the A/holes to the side that don,t want to be with you for the ride and keep the good people around you that help you to your dream,weather its a 1 year or 10 year ride.Keep the faith and stay on the site,mrmopartech

I spent 5 years working on mine, doing it my way. I see A LOT of mistakes I made along the way, it was the first time doing this, a LEARNING experience.